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Asian-Pacific consensus statement on the management of chronic hepatitis B: a 20
时间:2010-04-16 17:31    来源:未知    作者:Yun-Fan Liaw等     点击:

Liaw YF, Leung N, Guan R, Lau GK, Merican I, McCaughan G, Gane E, Kao JH, Omata M; Asian-Pacific consensus update working party on chronic hepatitis B.

Liver Research Unit, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan. liveryfl@so-net.net.tw

BACKGROUND/AIMS: A large amount of new data on the treatment of chronic hepatitis B has become available such that the 2003 consensus statement requires revision and update. METHODS: New data were presented, discussed and debated in an expert pre-meeting to draft a revision. The revised contents were finalized after discussion in a general meeting of APASL. RESULTS: Conceptual background, including the efficacy and safety profile of currently available and emerging drugs, was reviewed. Nineteen recommendations were formed and unresolved issues and areas for further study were suggested. CONCLUSION: The current therapy of chronic hepatitis B is modestly effective but not satisfactory. The development of new drugs and new strategies is required to further improve the outcomes of treatment.



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